☼ Captcha Data Entry Project ☼
We Provide Qlink Data Entry work. No Registration or Hidden Fees. Anyone can do this work from anywhere. Weekly basis payment, Payment way Liberty Reserve.
Our payment rate: $0.60-$1.10 for every 1K entry.
If you interested to do this job then, go to "contact us" page and submit message include details about you.
♣QlinkGroup will not be responsible for CAPTCHA count errors, if you are
using third-party software to solve CAPTCHA
♣We will suspend your account forever…
- if you use third party software;
- if you try to run multiple instance of the QlinkGroup software client under the same account;
- if you don't follow the instructions to solve CAPTCHAs as they appear;
- if you were found typing garbage instead of properly solving CAPTCHAs;
- if you were kicked out often for not solving CAPTCHAs.
Accounts permanently suspended WILL NOT GET PAID.